Friday, 1 November 2013

How do you understand when someone might be "the one" for you?
How do you understand when someone might be "the one" for you?
When we deal with romance, sometimes wishful thinking, small resentments, desperation and loneliness, or even a false feeling of worthlessness easily confuse us. This may ignite an urge to try to fool someone into loving us, or cause us to feel like an imposter.

Both men and women feel the stakes are high, our feelings are hooked, and it is easy to feel we must captivate and conceal our "flaws" in order to be loved. Of course, these thoughts are illusions, but when we deal with fear and desire, we tend to drift away from that core of brilliant sanity and forget not only what we really want but also who we really are. When we abandon the core self, for whatever reason, we also detach from our intuition and our truth-detector. If you have been hurt by love (and who hasn't?), you may search for a partner, but all the while be tracing your scars and probing old wounds.
When you meet new people, the matchmaker in your heart may feel a flutter of hope while the district attorney in your mind is ready to indict them for crimes they could never have committed. I know people who strap on their bitterness when they go out to meet someone new, like a western gunslinger buckling his gun belt, and then wait, hand poised over their weapon, for a person to make one false move so they can gun him down. It is understandable that even the most resilient among us is wary and bruised, and that in the search for companionship we alternate between romantic fantasies and flinty-eyed cynicism. Despite these tendencies to approach the topic of love with divided concerns, your instinct for happiness is still intact, and your ability to know what is real and to do the right thing for yourself is alive and well. The brilliance at your core is always speaking to you through your dreams and your subtle intuitions. If you slow down and listen, you will often find that you already know what is true about a situation and that you already know how you really feel about someone.

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